Friday, July 10, 2009

Pedal for the Planet

Comment, by Alexandre Vigneault

I did the first two legs of Pedal for the Planet last weekend. The first day was my longest ride in a day, with 120km. A little bit painful with my fat tire cross-country mountain bike, but I didn't complain since two girls in the group, with no previous long distance cycling experience, where going up to Ontario.

Many people are asking why are we doing this. The next Kyoto protocol will be negotiated in Copenhagen next December. Our conservative federal government have been sabotaging all previous discussion, winning countless fossil awards. We want this to change and we need more support from Canadians.

In my opinion, it will be beneficial for the world if the Harper delegation was just not showing up at the next climate change negotiation round, or just go and stay silent.
At the Pedal for the Planet Launch in Vancouver on Saturday, David Suzuki expressed well his frustrations: (first video on the page)

Well, there is still hope to change course, as we are experiencing in the US rigth now. Obama administration is making a sea of changes and Canada unfortunately seems to be missing completely the wagon... If the US bans tar sand products from Alberta, maybe our federal government will wake up...

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