Friday, November 6, 2009

Church and Climate Change

Part 1:
The world model today, like it or not, is the Unites States. Many felt with the Obama election that Americans were electing not only their president, but the president for the entire world. China, India and many Middle-East countries are now racing to look like the US and the rest of the western world. Why is it so important to look like us?

I am not too sure why developing countries are racing to be like the western world, but I have a good idea why we are the dominant culture today. Jared Diamond, in "Guns, Germs and Steel" explained this conquest in a bright manner. (Free video on the internet: ) Wikipedia has a great summary of the book,_Germs,_and_Steel

Assuming that we agreed on the western culture is dominating today and our life style, linked to our ecological footprint, is totally unsustainable, what is the the link with churches?

My catholic educations taught me few things outside universal values:
- as human, we are creature of God and superior to any living thing; (Genesis 1)
- our life is a linear process: birth, raised, become parents ourself, the sky become the limit until we die and actually go there. The next stage is heaven, purgatory or hell. We have only one chance, we won't come back.

Even though many of us, including me, are not going to Church anymore, those religious teaching are deeply rooted in our behavior. Sceptical?

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