Monday, June 23, 2008

Carbon tax, here we go!

At least two major events are happening on July 1st. Of course it is Canada day, but it is also the first day where the carbon tax will be effective in all British Columbia.

Consumers of gasoline will have to pay 2.4c more per liter of gasoline. This increase seems quite small compare with the 1.40$/L that we are currently paying at the pump. However, the carbon tax is a fundamental shift in the way we approach taxation. Taxing gasoline, and then green house gas emissions, finally recognize that our atmosphere is not a free dump and there is a cost associate with it. The tax is also revenue neutral for the government, and BC resident should receive a 100$ check per mail soon. The end result is that if you pollute less, you will pay less.

The irony is that a relatively conservative government had the courage to install this new tax. Filling up our cars is arguably part of our western culture and usually politicians are afraid of higher gasoline prices. Shamefully, the provincial NDP is working hard to derail the carbon tax. They are circulating a petition “Let’s axe the tax”. For a party who claim themselves “progressive”, pro-environement, it seems that the NDP is denying is own values for the sake of building cheap political support. Everyone dislike payings taxes. However carbon tax is unpleasant, but essential, like cleaning up your room, emptying your garbage cans, wash the bathroom, pay your credit card…

There are 2 Facebook groups supporting the carbon tax, please join them!

Lead the Way - Support BC's Carbon Tax!:

BC needs a Carbon Tax:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Things are finally changing?

I would argue that the western world is finally starting to act towards solving climate change. I would also argue that this change is made possible with the combination of two factors: high climate change awareness, thanks to from the population and the oil prices skyrocketing.

Many news in the past week made me think that way. Québec and Ontario got together earlier last week to sign carbon trading agreement. SUV and light truck sales felt sharply and big automakers, like GM are announcing gas guzzlers car plan closing. Also, airlines seem to cut down drastically the number of flights that they offering. In Montreal, politicians are debating about charging drivers to cross the bridges, something that I would never believe possible. Many companies, once huge skeptics, are recognizing the issue. Try to guess from which website I took this quote: “we recognize that climate change is an important global issue, involving risks that could be significant for society and ecosystems”. The answer is the former major founder of climate change skeptic, Exxonmobile… They are still pushing hard to get an new oil sand mine in Alberta to go ahead, but at least, they are not in their denial phase anymore…

Some of you might be skeptical, since our prime minister recently made a trip around Europe to promote is doomed climate plan (First, he should have stayed home and saved some green house gas emissions from flying; second, I’m surprised that he doesn’t fear to be ridicule in Europe, we are currently under UN investigation about our non respect of the Kyoto protocol).

The path towards curving our emissions is still not totally clear, especially around Ottawa and Fort McMurray, but we have to admit that something is happening, no?