Monday, December 8, 2008

When the Right talks about Sustainability

When the Right talks about Sustainability: (no worries, this is not in Canada)
David Brooks, a moderate conservative and colonist at the NY Times, is talking about the Obama’s stimulus plan that will spend billions on infrastructure. Without mentioning the “s” word for sustainability, he talks about building town square, community center, farmer markets in suburbs to create communities… He argues that the first draft of Obama’s plan is only to rebuild the existing network of roads and bridges that created the infamous car dependent suburbia…

Exciting Politics

Exciting Canadian Politics!
For the first time in months, I found Canadian politics amazingly interesting at the point to see the American’s insignificant and the Québec election a simple distraction!

Last Thursday was a huge blow on the pro-coalition. Prime minister Harper convinced our Governor general to prorogue the parliament. National polls said that a majority of Canadians disapprove the coalition Liberal-NDP, supported by the Bloc… Harper won a battle, but not the war.

I found the coalition idea totally refreshing. Parties with different views and opinions will have to compromise, put ideology aside, and find consensus policies, where a clear majority of Canadians would be the winners. Our votes would make much more impacts. Canadians would get more interested in politics and the quality of our politicians will have to improve.

Quebec just had an election this Monday: the participation was the lowest in history with a small 56%. The last federal election were also historically low, at 59%. We need to do change the system, because when democracy loose, we all loose.

If you didn’t support the coalition yet, please sign the petition on the website.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Canadian Coalition!

Wow… things are moving so fast this week.

For the first time in months, I’m finding Canadian politics amazingly interesting at the point to see the American’s insignificant and the Québec election ridiculous! (Pardon my excitement)

This Thursday is hugely important, Prime minister Harper will go to governor general Michaelle Jean to ask her to prorogue (basically shutting down) the parliament until January 27th. At that time, the opposition will surely says that they don’t trust this government and we will be back in election! Harper doesn’t want to see a coalition with NDP and liberals and bloc together, so he is trying to buy time.

I found the coalition idea totally refreshing. They even think about including the green party in the government. The coalition government will represent more than 60% of the votes, what a win for our democracy! Party with different views and opinions will have to compromise, put ideology aside, and find consensus policies, where all Canadians will be the clear winners. The coalition parties all support strong measure to fight climate change and finally we could see something happening in Canada!

We need the support of everyone to make this coalition a reality.

What to do:
1. Please sign the petition:
2. Go to a Rally this Thursday night:
a. In Vancouver, there is a rally at the Convention Center, near Canada Place, from 5 to 7:30PM
ii. I’ll go from UBC around 5:00PM, join me if you can
iii. If you are in another city, find out if you have an event there:

b. Put a candle in your window if you can’t go to the rally!

This is very exciting! Let’s make history and change the way politics are done in Canada!

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